Thank you so much to all the volunteers who showed up at Marcy Field on Monday and to those who couldn’t attend but contributed. Over 50 volunteers worked with their bare hands, with rakes, and with shovels to replace sod, level out rough spots, and fill in ruts. There were many Keene residents, both summer and year-round, as well as residents from Lake Placid, Wilmington, Essex, Saranac Lake, Queensbury, and the rest of Essex County.
The extent of the work allows the field to return to use for scheduled events like the Summer Concert Series, Capture the Flag, Kitefest, and the Farmers Market while we plan a permanent, long-term repair. The runway looks much better, but it will remain closed until permanent repairs can be made to return it to safe operation. The extent of damage to the field was overwhelming, but the hard-working volunteers accomplished a tremendous amount yesterday, and for that we are thankful.
In addition to the individuals who showed up to work, there were significant contributions to the effort. Whitney Excavating donated topsoil, the Recreational Aviation Foundation paid for lunch, which was prepared by the Valley Grocery and was excellent, and Guy Smith Roofing brought his entire crew and equipment for the effort. Thank you all so much for making this a productive day.
Planning for the long-term repairs is on the agenda for the August 8 town board meeting.